Tube Coral – by Bryson M

My artwork is composed of two works, both inspired by the natural marine world. The larger of the two sculptural works, titled ‘Tube Coral’, consists of hand built terracotta. It is heavily inspired by the organic shape and texture of tube coral and other corals. The second smaller work is a cup like vessel hand built out of terracotta. The vessel is inspired by the characteristics of a pufferfish. My artistic process involved many types of techniques including coil building, slabs and moulds. For the larger piece I used coils to build up from my base and utilised the use of slabs to create some decorations, while the smaller piece was created by joining two halves of a spherical mould together before carving away at it and adding decorative elements. I created this artwork as a reflection of the beauty of our natural marine environments, with bright colours, and beautiful organic shapes.