Our school provides opportunities for students, staff and parents to know and celebrate their Catholic faith. This is done through the religious life of our school. Members of our community experience a rich liturgical and prayer life, celebration of the Sacraments, faith formation, social outreach activities, and opportunities to share faith with each other and with youth from other schools in the Archdiocese.

Students are regularly invited to celebrate their faith through daily prayer, the Stations of the Cross during recess in Lent and the Rosary in May and October. Students, in year groups or as a whole school community are also invited to share in the Mass during pastoral periods and on major feast days such as that of St Marcellin Champagnat.

The College is also host to the 10:10 Project, named after the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John “I came that they may have and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Each fortnight, students gather together to enjoy each other’s company, learn about new topics, enjoy hospitality, discussion and prayer. The atmosphere of each gathering is exciting, positive and deeply imbued with a sense of family spirit and brotherhood.

In addition, the College also joins in Yyouth ministry activities led by the Marist Youth Ministry which connects us to other Marist schools, as well as our Deanery Connect afternoons with other local secondary Catholic schools.

To experience the adventures of discipleship, each year group engages in an annual reflection day, and our Year 12 students their senior retreat. This gives students the opportunity to step back and reflect on their relationship with themselves, their family and peers and their faith journey.

“All Marists share the same mission: to make Jesus known and loved. We allow ourselves to be captivated by him and his gospel . . . Learning from him the ways of the Kingdom” (Water from the Rock, §135).