More than 900 Sydney Catholic Schools’ students, families and staff submitted entries to the Lockdown Arts Festival, showcasing their incredible creative talent.
Among them were the following students from the College who have been recognised for their pieces of work:
Year 7
Highly Commended
Visual Art – Sculptural (Lower Secondary 7-9)
Title: Swan Family
“I have made three origami 3D Swans. One of them is big, white and purple and the other two are smaller. One of the small swans is white and blue and the other is white and red.”
Year 10
Highly Commended
Musical Performance – Original Composition (Upper Secondary 10-12)
Title: Nothing to Say
“This was written about many things that have affected me throughout my life. My brother is turning 18 soon – this related the first part, where I feel that I am not good enough to hang out with him. The second part is written from my best friend’s perspective about me going through a hard part in my life where I couldn’t get out of the feeling depressed and trapped. This removed me from most of my friendships and he was always there to bring me back up to earth. The last part is about my grandmother passing last year after losing a battle to cancer, talking about looking at her up at heaven “wonderland” and saying that there is nothing that can break the bond that we had and that the bond is still there.”
Year 12
First Place
Music – Performance (Upper Secondary 10-12)
Title: Losing My Way (COVER)
“Losing my way” is my rendition of the funk, jazz-pop song originally composed by Tom Misch and FKJ. As a part of my musical interest, I used body percussion, house-hold items, and of course my voice, guitar and keyboard to create a creative masterpiece. Such experimentation and effects allows me as an artist to go beyond the limits of my abilities and creativity especially during lockdown.”
Highly Commended
Music – Performance (Upper Secondary 10-12)
Title: “Robbery” – Lime Cordiale (lach’s cover)
“I chose ‘Robbery’ because I thought it was fitting for our current lockdown scenario and the lockdown sessions’ theme of looking outwards from a life in lockdown. As stated by Louis, it was originally about; ‘When you meet someone, even just for a moment and they leave your life, you’re left feeling robbed. You feel as though you need to find them somehow but it’s no use.’ I felt as though this song could act as a metaphor for the time and freedom robbed from everyone during lockdown. However on a more optimistic note, it signifies how this experience of emptiness and robbery will encourage people’s appreciation for what they have in the present, that every moment is special and something to be cherished, since I guess we’re only able to truly appreciate what we’ve had in our lives until after it’s been taken for a period of time.”
Highly Commended
Music – Performance (Upper Secondary 10-12)
Title: The Instar Emergence by Cicada 3301 cover
“This cover/adaptation was originally created by Cicada 3301, which is a secret organisation that created puzzles for people across the internet to solve. The song I have played was included as part of their puzzles. I have altered the song to better fit the theme of the festival.”
“Congratulations to all students. A very talented group of young men!” said Principal Silvana Rossetti.
Don’t forget to check out their amazing pieces of work via the links above. More information about the Lockdown Arts Festival can be found here: